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Re: Misc questions, Drive caddy/adaptor and OSR2 on 760ED

> Two questions to the Thinkpad friends:
> 1. I am thinking of adding another 2G drive for NT installation to my 760ED.
> Toshiba seems to be of reasonable prices. What would be a good one and also
> where can I get the adapter/caddy for the 'ultra-bay'. 
> My observation is bare drives are cheap, while those advertised specifically for thinkpad drives are outrageous. 

I've had good success with the third-party caddy made by "PS Solutions".
They're in Texas, phone number is (214) 783-6996.

When I bought from them a couple months back, they had two variations
on their caddies: one for IBM hard drives, and one for other vendors'
drives. I originally got the IBM model, but the connector was a bit
too thick, and the caddy did not fit properly in my (thin) 760C. (It would
have fit without difficulty in a CD-ROM capable ThinkPad, though.)
So, I called PS Solutions back, and they cheerfully sent me the connectors
for their non-IBM model, which are much thinner, and fits perfectly.
Their non-IBM model works with IBM drives, too -- you just have to
jumper the IBM drive for cable-selection of master vs. slave.

Other comments: the caddy is well made, out of black sheet metal.
Installation is simple, and the caddy works fine in both the regular
and UltraBay of my 760C. The only place I haven't tried them is in a
docking station. They cost $50 each when I bought them.

Tim Tyhurst                  tim@excelsior.com