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Re: Dock II and 701 experience?

     I have my 701 in a Dock II.
     You'll need the Dock II - 701 Adapter, which seems to run about $190.
     I have mixed feelings about the Dock II.  The price you pay for the
     expandability includes sacrificing a large portion of your desktop.
     The footprint of the Dock II is substantial - it weighs about 30
     pounds and has the area of a small desktop computer.
     Depending on the abundance of hardware where you plan to locate
     the Dock II (it really isn't that mobile), you may be able to use
     or build a LAN that could give you everything a Dock II does.
     Think dollars.  Suppose I spent $700 for the Dock II.  Can I
     do a LAN in my office instead?  I've got a small 8 port LAN
     in my office (peer).  So, adding a Dock II didn't really make sense
     unless I got the Dock II really inexpensively (which I did).
     On the other hand, you gain the option to add one 1" high device,
     CD or hard drive, one 1/2 height device (1.5"?) CD or hard drive.
     A 1" high CD is hard to find unless you buy an IBM labeled CD
     ROM drive.  Teac used to (or may still) sell CD drives that fit
     into 1" bays.  Otherwise, you can add in a normal 1/2 height device.
     My configuration consists of a 1 GB SCSI hard drive in the 1" bay,
     a JVC 4x2 CD-Writer (4x read, 2x write) in the 1/2 height bay.
     I've also got a ISA-10BaseT network card in one of the ISA slots.
     Often, there are additional SCSI devices daisychained to the
     external SCSI-2 slot.
     Summary:  it might not make sense unless you REALLY need a CD.
     Even then, a better solution might be an add-on, external CD.
     On the other hand, if you get one cheap, then do it.

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Subject: Dock II and 701 experience?
Author:  slppj@cc.usu.edu at Internet
Date:    3/20/97 2:45 PM

I'm interested in purchasing a dock II for my 701cs.  I understand that 
I'll also need to get the 701 adapter for this as well.  My question is 
what sort of functionality does the dock II add to the 701?  What comes 
with it?  What can I add and what sort of adapters will I need to add 
such things as a CD-ROM or hard drive?  Does it come with a floppy 
drive?  Does anyone have any experience using it with the 701cs?  Any 
info, musings, advice would be greatly appreciated.
-Greg A.
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From: Greg Alvandian <slppj@cc.usu.edu>
Subject: Dock II and 701 experience?
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