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Re: Portable Printer for 365XD

On Mon, 7 Apr 1997 16:12:24 GMT, Geza Szivos wrote:

>Is thee ANY portable printer with InfraRed I/O ? 
>Since I have two port on my 760CD , I don't waht to carry a Parallel Cable too.

The Hewlett Packard DeskJet 340 CBi is the version with an IR option (in the UK).  Its 
portable, though much larger than some of the ultra lightweight printers.  The printer 
itself performs reasonably well (but I haven't tried the IR version), though I am led to 
believe that the colour printing is not as good as the Canon BJC 70.

Just for the record (and in case anyone has the ear of HP or can come up with any 
suggestions) I'm not best pleased with HP at the moment having bought the DeskJet 
690c to use with my TP (755cx) because it was advertized (both by the retailers and in 
its own manual) as being OS/2 compatible and photo printing capable.  However, since 
there are still no OS/2 drivers available from either HP or IBM (after many (charged) 
phone calls, web sites and a BBS) and consequently I am unable to make use of the 
photo print cartridge and photo paper I bought with it at vast cost (though I can 
manage basic printing tasks).  Both HP and IBM assign responsibility for the drivers to 
the other, and the European HP customer relations centre (or whatever it calls itself) 
has yet to reply to my letter asking what they mean by OS/2 compatible (the same 
adjective they use for MS Windows), nearly a month later.

I have to say, though, that this is my first bad experience with HP.


Dr G P Hogan
Laser Group,  Clarendon Lab.,	Tel:  +44 1865 272205
Parks Road,  Oxford  OX1 3PU	Fax:  +44 1865 272400
UK				Email: g.hogan@physics.ox.ac.uk