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Re: various - Linux mouse acceleration

John Kim wrote:

> On Sat, 12 Apr 1997, David Ross wrote:
> [...]
> > > 3. Re trackpoint caps, I find the cats tongue ones wear out after
> > > a few tens of hours of moderate use.
> > 
> > I get months out of mine, and I'm a heavy mouser.  However, I never
> > touch the cap unless I'm actually moving it, and I use a very light
> > touch.
> I suspect this may all depend on the range of mouse sensitivities
> allowed in the OS/programs we're using.  I remember OS/2's mouse
> settings were pretty slow even at the fastest setting, causing
> me to put a lot of pressure on the cap to move the pointer
> around at a decent speed.  Linux is OK although I'd like it to
> be a little faster (anyone know how to set that in FVWM?).  I
> could never set Win95's acceleration to a level I liked.  It
> always seemed I was jumping between super-slow to super-
> accelerated.

I think you use xset for that.  (That's the way it's been on linux,
though i haven't checked in a while, and don't have a linux system
handy at the moment.)

Incidentally, i have to mention that i'm a big trackpoint fan.  I even
splurged on an ibm trackpoint keyboard for my desktop pc - expensive,
and clicky keys (which i don't prefer) - but totally worth it...

Ken Manheimer						klm@python.org