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Re: possible 560 newbie

(I have a 560).
>>  I also have a
>>Mac printer and was wondering if there was anything comparable to
>>"PowerPrint" which allows Macs to use PC printers.
>	I'm not aware of it going the other way--I don't *think* you can print
>from a PC to an Appletalk printer.  I could be wrong though.  (I've done it
>the other way many times--Mac to a PC printer, but even that had its

I looked into this a few years ago for a friend.  I don't remember the
solution I stumbled across, but it cost $200-300, such that it just
made sense to buy a PC printer.

Tom Kustner                   Emjay Corporation    
System/LAN Administrator      725 W. Glendale Ave.
Email: tom.kustner@emjay.com  Glendale, WI  53209-6509  USA
Any opinions are mine and not necessarily those of Emjay.