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RE: Possible 560 newbie
Kingston and another vendor are selling a 64MB upgrade for the TP 560.
I just got a new 2GB/133 560 and am holding out for the 64MB upgrade
(72MB total). They are supposed to ship this week... The price was
about double that of a 32MB...
Anyone purchasing new today should look at the total cost of their
investment... \
RAM is cheap compared to what it used to be (9 months ago for laptops),
and 72MB on a laptop isn't that far fetched. If you think you could be
running Windows 97 or Windows NT Workstation.... the $200 to $400
difference would seem a given... For others, even on Windows 95,
there is only one expansion module (and you would have to throw away or
sell to get new). A new purchaser should consider the 2 to 3 year
lifespan of a typical laptop.... and think about it...
Stephen Gutknecht
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Steve Parker [SMTP:sparker@morgana.punk.net]
>Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 1997 4:33 PM
>To: Thinkpad Mailing List
>Subject: Re: Possible 560 newbie
>[quote snip]
> I have a TP560-120 and it benchmarks at about an equivalent of a Pentium
>90 desktop. A TP560-133 should approximately match a Pentium 100
>desktop system.
> The TP560 comes with 8MB and can take one memory module at either 8MB,
>16MB, or 32MB which gives you memory options of 8MB, 16MB, 24MB and 40MB.
>I bought my TP560 with 24MB installed and then upgraded it to 40MB. With
>my light use of Photoshop 3.05 on it I didn't notice much difference. I
>do most of my Photoshop work on my 64MB RAM desktop since it is a bit more
>capable, and that is where my scanner is.. =)