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Re: Overnight Easyserve

If you want some extra eraserheads, put a note insside the box.  Also if
there's anything  else you want fixed on it, also write that on a note
inside the box.  Very often at the easyserve center they will fix things
that over the phone they say they will not fix.
I got a new battery out of this once, and they fixed a screen that the
people overr the phone swore would not be covered under the warranty (I
convincced them to let me send it in for them to have a look at it and
decide if it should be covered by the warranty oor not).

Bottom line: it doesn't hurt to ask.

On Sun, 19 May 1996, Paul Khoury wrote:

> Has anyone here done an overnight Easyserve?  I decided that since I don't need my 701cs much this week, 
> I would get it done now, and quickly.  Does anyone have any expericances they could share on this?
> Regards,
> Paul Khoury
> pkhoury@earthlink.net