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Re: Compression... was: Re: novice questions

On Sat, 7 Jun 1997 10:58:01 +0200 (MEST), Christoph Eyrich wrote:

>On Fri, 6 Jun 1997, Paul Khoury wrote:
>> >BTW, if you're not using data compression, you can save lots of bytes in
>> >W95 by using it.
>> Compression also slows down the system.  This may or may not be important to you, depending on your 
>> applications.
>This is not necessarily true any longer. I don't know about W95 but
>there are OSs which seem to run some jobs faster with compression.
>This seems plausible because on fast machines it is the transfer of
>data over the bus which takes times. The CPU is simply faster (if
>the OS allows it to work properly...) and this is the place where
>the extracting of compressed data takes place.
True.  I've never had compression before, but on my brother's machine running 95, he said his drives are sort 
of slow.  I don't know about others like OS/2 Warp or Windows NT, but I would be interested to hear 
anyone's experiances on those OSes with compression.


Paul Khoury