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[Fwd: Re: New Thinkpad 760?]

Geza Szivos
Systems Engineer, SIVCO Inc.
BESTeam and TEAMOS2 Member
Certified IBM OS/2 Engineer, LAN Server Engineer, DB/2 Developer
Certified VisualAge for C++ Object Oriented Developer, VisualWarehouse
Tel: (403)-850-4500                        FAX: (403)-547-4741
Szivos@ibm.net        TalkLink:lnk9094

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Can I use the harddrive from 760 in the 765 ?
who nows it?

Jane Loyless wrote:
> Supposedly, the TP765 announcement will be made this Tuesday.  You can read
> it here then:
> http://www.ibmlink.ibm.com/ibmlink?xu=guest&xh=logon&request=usa.announcemen
> ts&parms=Q
> I also saw the TP380 - very nice machine, but I don't like the thickness
> required to accomodate both the CD and the floppy drives.  I had one of the
> Dell XPI CD P150 machines for a while (gave it back to my manager and said
> I'd rather keep my 486 TP755CE - the screen was terrible and the keyboard
> was worse).  It was thick like the new TP380, and with my short fingers, I
> had problems picking it up and carrying it around.  Between the slick case
> and the thickness, I always felt like I was about to drop it.

Geza Szivos
Systems Engineer, SIVCO Inc.
BESTeam and TEAMOS2 Member
Certified IBM OS/2 Engineer, LAN Server Engineer, DB/2 Developer
Certified VisualAge for C++ Object Oriented Developer, VisualWarehouse
Tel: (403)-850-4500                        FAX: (403)-547-4741
Szivos@ibm.net        TalkLink:lnk9094
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