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Re: Avatar Shark 250

     Just got off the phone with Avatar and thought to share the info with 
     the list:
     1.         Think Pads with insufficient power from mouse port:
                365D, 700, 750CD, 755CSE, 760CD and 760ED. I guess there's
                hope for the 701. They do have a "power brick" as  
     2.         The serial port doesn't supply anywhere enough power
                for the Shark. They say the power comes off pin 4 of
                the PS2 connector. I wonder if/how the port can be 
                tested to determine the available power? Anyone know
                of a place that would have detailed tech specs for the 
     3.         In order of preference, the parallel port mode should be 
                set to  ECP, EPP or bi-directional. ECP allows twice the 
                thru-put of bi-directional. It prefers that the 
                parallel port be sitting on IRQ 7 (address 0378) or
                IRQ 5 (address 0278). 

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Subject: Avatar Shark 250 
Author:  Robert Huber at WYATT_1CALL_WDC
Date:    6/16/97 6:55 AM

     I am considering the Avatar Shark 250 Parallel Port external removable 
     media hard disk drive (something like the ZIP/JAZ dive but 1/4 the 
     size and 250MB per "floppy") for my TP701 as it says it is compatible 
     with all of the OS's I use (everything else I have tried has been less 
     than successful including several Iomega and Seagate units). Anyway, 
     my major concern is that since the drive takes power from the mouse 
     port, will the mouse port supply sufficient power for the drive to run 
     properly. The spec for the drive lists 3.3 watts at 5 volts. 
     Has anyone tried this unit on a TP701 or any other box and how did it 
     go? Also, if the mouse port does not have the power to run the unit 
     might the serial port?