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Re: warp 4 install on 750

On Tue, 17 Jun 1997, Victor Kress wrote:

> I am in the process of upgrading all my computers to warp 4, and I am 
> now ready to tackle the tp750.  The geezers on this list will remember 
> that the 750 came from a time that laptops didn't have internal cdroms.
> On my 750 I have a pcmcia scsi cdrom, and network card.  I would 
> prefer to do a cdrom install.  It is clearly possible to create boot install 
> floppies which will get the thingpad up to the cdrom reading stages.  
> Has anybody on the list done this?  I would REALLY appreciate the 
> benefit of your experience.

This is actually fearly easy. All you have to do is add the pcmcia support
to the disks. You need the pcmcia.sys file on the 2 disk (disk 1) and the
basedev=xxxxxxx for your scsi card on the third disk (disk 2). I used the
pcmcia driver from warp 3 to make these disks, and it worked well. BTW,
there is a read.me file on the cd-rom which tells you to do this. It also
tells you which files you can safely remove from the bootdisks.

> Alternatively, I could install remotely over ethernet.  The problem is 
> that the remote install program on my desktop will only try adapter 0, 
> which on my machine is TCPIP (netbui and netbui over tcpip are on 1 
> and 2).  Does anybody know how to make the remote install program 
> feed to adaptor 1 or 2?

Are you sure about this. The first adapter should be your ethernet card,
and the protocols should be attached to this (see mtps). The protocols are
all attached to this adapter. Here at work we use 4 protocols over the
card, and the remote install worked fine (the first protocol is ieee 802.2

If you have any questions feel free to send me a mail.

LArs Evensen, Overordnet TillitsValgt (OTV) ved FIM, NTNU
E.B.Schieldrops Vei 11-16             E-mail : larsev@stud.math.ntnu.no
7033 Trondheim                        WWW : http://www.fm.unit.no/~larsev/
Norway                                Phone :  + 47 - 73 88 89 01