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Re: Cracked TP, etc horror stories: my version

On Thu, 19 Jun 97 21:38:48 HST, David Ross wrote:

>> As a new owner of a TP, I must say I disagree with some stories I heard =
>> here. Maybe the 365XDs have a special support group at IBM?:) Maybe I =
>> haven't been a TP fan for so long...
>When IBM is good they are very good; when they are bad it can be
>excruciating.  You're new yet, wait and see:-)
>> access) and also about 5-6 dead pixels on the DSTN screen. Having the =
>Is this possible?  I thought DSTN screens only died in line-sized
Mine had about three or four lines, I know for sure 2 on the left hand side, on the upper halve of the LCD 
(since DSTN is driven as 2 panels in a way), and one in the right hand side, bottom halve.  Those lines got 
real annoying on particular colors, like red, green, blue, and white, but now I don't really care because I have 
to use an externel monitor anyways.


Paul Khoury