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Re: Clone Win95 to new HD

At 11:31 PM 6/21/97 -0700, karensw@halcyon.com wrote:
>At 02:13 AM 6/22/97 -0400, axel hartmann wrote:
>>hi there,
>>i do remember this question being asked a couple of times before,
>>but all my literature and references to the problem are floating
>>on the atlantic ocean, and i won't get them for a few weeks...
>>(i'm moving to the states from germany, if it sounds wild...)
>>i have just been santa-claused with a 540MB harddrive, which is
>>a noticable improvement over the 340 i've got. 
>>i have also just spent a whole afternoon trying to clone my win95-
>>setup to the new drive. (it was too muggy outside, and the office 
>>is airconditioned, so it wasn't all that bad)
>>what is the proper way to do this? i want to avoid setting 
>>everything up again. i have pcmcia-ethernet and enough server-space.
>>i also have a parallel-port zip-drive, which takes i've sat through
>>3 transfers of 300MB, and i'm _not_ thrilled.
>>good night,
>Powerquest, the makers of Partition Magic has a new program out called Copy
>Disk (or something very similar). I've not personally used it, but have
>used PM which is an excellent program. I'm betting their new product is the
>same high quality.

	I'm not going to dig up old posts, but I *have* personally used "Disk
Copy" by PowerQuest and highly recommend it.  If you have access to desktop
machine that you can put two HD's into to run Disk Copy, you can do in 15
minutes what you've been wasting hours upon hours screwing around with.

Randal J. Whittle		whittle@usc.edu
Director, Electronic Commerce Program
Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California