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Re: TP701 and FreeBSD

On Mon, 16 Jun 1997 09:59:57 +0200, Maurice klein Gebbinck wrote:

>Hi all,
>Last week I installed FreeBSD, next to Win95, on my
>ThinkPad 701C (DX4-75, TFT, 24MB, 540MB). I use the
>FreeBSD bootmanager to select which OS to run.
>Although FreeBSD seems to run okay, I cannot get into
>the BIOS-setup (Fn-F1) when running this OS; fortunately,
>it is still possible when running Win95. Furthermore,
>suspend (Fn-F4) doesn't work anymore (don't know about
>hibernate), although I did a kernel compilation with
>the APM-option on. Does anybody have a solution for
>this problem? Can anybody send me his/her kernel
>configuration file?
>Since I am planning to install XFree86, could anobody
>send me his/her X-configuration file as well?
>Best regards,
>Maurice klein Gebbinck <mauricek@cs.kun.nl>
>University of Nijmegen, Computing Science Institute
>Toernooiveld 1, 6525 ED Nijmegen, The Netherlands
>Phone +31 24 3652710, Fax +31 24 3553450
You might consider Linux.  I used to have Debian GNU/Linux alongside OS/2 Warp 3, until I needed the 
space and bought a new drive, and found that although I couldn't enable the APM function, I got a heck of a 
long battery life when not using my AC adapter, something like 2.5-3 hours, compared  with 1-1.5 with OS/2 
(and also considering the use this battery got.  I wish I could send you my kernel for Debian, but I currently 
don't even have installed on my new drive because of a lack of resources and time (figuringout how to 
install,with directories in the wrong place.


Paul Khoury