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Re: flame: PEPSales, 701c --> Pentium

Well said.

In addition, let's not forget the greeting/rules we all received upon
subscribing to this list, from which I quote the following excerpt verbatim:


 >>> NOTE <<<

In general, advertising of commercial products or services is prohibited on 
this list. 


At 04:52 PM 7/20/97 -0400, axel hartmann wrote:
>Hello David,
>Thank you for your persistence in pointing out the facts that
>are still missing from PEP's postings. I've been on this list
>for well over a year now. 
>PEP keeps on butting in with advertisements that are at least
>borderline spam. There are plenty of other companies out there
>doing the same sort of upgrades which don't advertise on this
>list. What makes PEP annoying is that they are not at the technical 
>level that this list is generally at. They, or Michael, are not 
>responding to very clear requests to back their claims. 
>Thank you, David, for not giving up!
>PEP, why don't you answer David's questions? It would make 
>my life easier as well, because I really don't want to have to
>figure out how spam filters work with Microsoft Exchange... 
>On Saturday, July 19, 1997 19:19, David Ross[SMTP:ross@math.hawaii.edu]
>>> I must disagree on one of your points. It is true that the AMD is not a
>>> Pentium, but in our tests, it benchmarks out as fast as a Pentium 75.
>>I do not believe that an AMD586 at 100 mhz (i.e., on a 25mhz system)
>>will meet a P75 even on non-systemic benchmarks.  
>>Several people on this list have seen a document I produced detailing my
>>own experiences upgrading a desktop machine to this chip, together with
>>before-and-after benchmarks (some well-known, some based on real-world
>>apps).  The upgrade was definitely worthwhile for me, but on my desktop
>>only cost me $40, and I was upgrading from a clock-doubled machine
>>(instead of clock-tripled like the 701C). 
>>You say you don't like WInstone, but you don't say what benchmarks you
>>use instead.
>>- David R.
>                  Axel Hartmann                                      .
> Paper   Summer : 30 Kellog Ave; Amherst, MA 01002; USA              .
> Voice    only  : +1 (413) 256 - 6264                                .
> E-Mail         : Axel.Hartmann@stud.uni-karlsruhe.de                .
> Homepage       : http://www.uni-karlsruhe.de/~Axel.Hartmann         .