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xircom 33.6 modem/combo ethernet card

G'day all,

Does anyone here use the above PCMCIA ethernet/modem card in their

I have a TP760CD and am having terrible problems getting the card to work
reliably.  I have freed up some interrupts for the card and have had the
modem side working (no network connection to test it on yet) but it is not

For example:
It works fine when the card is warm, but on first boot up on a cool
morning the modem responds extremely slowly to input.  ie. In a simple
terminal program window to type "AT <enter>" and expect an "OK" response
takes forever.  You have to press the letter "A" for near a second to
register, same with the other keystrokes.  

When the card has warmed up fast keystrokes are accepted as expected.

I notice that the card is very hot after being used for several minutes. 
Is this normal too?

Thanks for any advice at all.  Particularly from anyone with a TP760CD.

Secondly - can anyone recommend a PCMCIA combo ethernet 33.6kbps modem for
use in a TP760CD?

/* Neil Mclean              */
/* Canberra, Australia      */