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Re: 701 and epson 800 printer

Chris M. wrote:

> Stupid me....
> Win95 24MB Ram DX4-75 720HD (132MB free)by slow I mean 2-3 min to print
> one B/W page using black ink color is even slower. 

Should print plenty fast with this setup.  I don't believe
bidirectionality would be a problem with this printer.  However,
you *might* check the virtual memory settings in the guts of the printer
driver; it might be processing the image in chunks that are too small
(I had this problem with printing on a Lexmark laser with a comparably
configured 701).

Slow color is unavoidable on these machines (we have an Epson 600 at
work *just* for doing color slides; dismally slow but awesome results on
the transparencies and glossy paper).

- David R.