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Re: IBM's tillamook offerings

Ok, let me have a shot at this.

Intel is set to offer these things "real soon now":
1. The first of the Mobile Module laptops
2. Pentium Pro or Pentium II designed for laptops
3. 200MHz and faster Pentium MMX chips

Laptops designed with Mobile Modules allow user upgrades of the CPU and
other system components.  The CPU comes in a small easily insertable
(and removeable) module.  Example, Gateway Solo.

I am willing to bet that the Tillamook chip is talking about Number 3
above.  Current laptops boasting 200MHz Pentium MMX are using chips
designed for desktops, so they run fast and hot and short!!

Alvin Tan

rj wrote:
> Ok, I'll byte: what is Intel's Tillamook chip. I searched Intel's web
> site and found zip.
> Thanks.
> On Wed, 20 Aug 1997, Richard Hamel wrote:
> > Does anyone know any specific details about IBM's new laptop's being
> > released in Sept. offering Intel's Tillamook chip?
> >
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> >
> > Richard Hamel
> >
> >
> >