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re: refurbished IBM products

At 11:43 PM 9/9/97 -0700, you wrote:
>Glad to hear other's thoughts on refurbs.  I also bought my 701 from the
>outlet and have had no problems.  It had the sticker and there was a cute
>name on the drive to indicate it was indeed used but there was no apparent
>blemishes on the case or etc.

I also got my 701 in teh same manner.  I got it from a store I was working
at (Computer City).  It was a display model.  They had 2:

1. active, with the 720 drive, port replicator, power supply and battery.
2. Dual Scan, 340 drive, none of the rest.  They didn't even think it worked.

Both were sold for $200.  Somebody got to th eActive screen before I got to
work that day.  Even still, it's tough to feel sorry for oneself when I got
a cool laptop, with full warranty, for $200.  I went around with EZServe,
an easy experience, and they pretty much replaced everything.

-  Vernon Brooks <merlin@netnevada.net>  -
-    Net Nevada Systems Administrator    -
-    Las Vegas, NV (702) NET-2000        -
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