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Competition : TP v Omnibook

Folks, check out


*apparently* HP intends on marketing a 3.1lb, .75" thick sub-notebook with
12.1" TFT, 200Mhz ... in partnership with Mitsubishi, early in '98.

My 2 cents : 

* it ain't as sleek as the 560 (http://www.hp.com/omnibook/images/obflat.jpg)
* it looks flimsy (http://www.hp.com/omnibook/images/obcool.jpg)

I have never been a fan of HP - I prefer Apple printers to HP, and Epson
scanners to HP.  Will we be in for a shocker in '98 ???

Abbas Bandali    CSC Intelicom - Wireless Billing Systems   Champaign, IL.  USA

                                     ---  There's many a slip twixt cup and lip