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Re: Surplus Direct stuff

At 9:05 AM -0800 9/13/97, Paul Khoury wrote:
>I thought maybe you might be able to get ThinkPad
>related stuff cheap here.
>Check out the latest addition to our Surplus Family:
>Surplus Auction:  Where You set the price!
>On the Industry's hottest computer hardware and software!
>Auctions close every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, now with
>Hyper Auctions on Tuesday and Thursday!

I'll start paying attention to auctions as soon as they start posting
closing bids instead of opening bids. I haven't seen or first hand heard of
a really good deal from an auction yet, especially when you allow for
auction fee (between 5% and 20%), shipping, and return policy even for DAO.

The potential for deals is there, but demand exceeds goods right now. Or
suckers exceed goods anyway. ;)