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Re: Intro and questions

Thanks for all the responses.  I did what I planned, re-installed
Win95 (OSR2) over the top of Win 98 Beta 2.  It was a dismal failure,
of course.  First re-install: the system would come up only in
Safe mode, and the only indication of a problem was a quick
flash of "KERNEL" on the blank bootup screen.  I cleaned what I
could from the registry, etc., and re-installed Win95 again, and
then once more.  That brought it up, but Mwave still wasn't found
so I reinstalled that from floppy, and it still wasn't found,
so forth.  Spitting into the wind.

I ordered a 2.1GB replacement drive because my 1.2GB was full,
and I expect to get it in a day or two.  Sounds like the right
time to just do a clean install of Win95 and copy by backup to
the new drive!  FWIW, I liked Win98, and I may try a clean
install onto the old 1.2GB afterwards to see how it works.
But until it's released, I won't count on it for anything

Thanks again for all the feedback.  And, I can now connect to
the ftp site for this mailing list.  I don't know what changed,
but it's letting me log in now.
