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Re: Mouse button

On Thu, 18 Sep 1997 06:55:13 -0700 (PDT), Bryan Daum wrote:

>The left "mouse button" on my 701 is getting soft and squishy feeling and
>squeaks though it is still operable.  It is clearly different from the
>little used right button that has the nice "click" feeling.  Does this
>indicate an upcoming failure in the near future as I suspect?  The mushy
>feeling didn't bother me so much as the squeak which feels like something
>more serious...I can feel the "squeak" both when pushing and releasing the
>button.  I have had no other problems at all with the butterfly keyboard.
I've had the problem twice, before Easyserve, and now.  I put some tape on
the membrane switch itself, because it wouldn't always make contact.  The
keyboard is actually made by I think Keytronics.  It says so where the hard drive
goes in, on the bottom of the keyboard (if that makes sense).
