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Re: DVD Drives for IBM Thinkpad 760 ??? -Reply

I heard recently that there is a standards war brewing over DVD, and 
that holding off on a DVD drive purchase may be a wise idea. Anyone 
have any news about this? 
     The standards war is mainly on the video disk usage.  Several major 
     studios want a variation of DVD to release movies.  It is to replace 
     video tape rental.  You would go to the video store and pay for a disk 
     that would allow you 48 hours of viewing.  You can call up and pay 
     more money to view it for another 48 hours,  The disk is encrypted and 
     keyed to the player it is first played on so you cannot resell it.
     Another neat item to fill up the landfills slightly faster.
     So it you want a DVD for movie playback then I would possibly wait, 
     although there are movies out on DVD.  For use as a data drive it is 
     not a problem.
     It will be interesting to see if someone develops an inexpensive 
     MPEG-2 encoder chipset soon so people could record video on DVD.  I 
     noticed MPEG-2 decoders are getting cheap.
     73 Eric ecottrell@doble.com