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RE: Hinges

The 560 is one of the best laptops ever made for durability, in my opinion.  
One year old with lots of round the world mileage it blows away everything 
I've had before including the Toshiba Libretto (great machine) and the 701c 
(also SUPERB machine) which I hold onto for sentimental reasons.

Buy it!  Now.

-----Original Message-----
From:	Steve Parker 
Sent:	Monday, September 22, 1997 1:08 AM
To:	THINKPAD@cs.utk.edu
Subject:	Re: Hinges

On Sun, 21 Sep 1997, Steve Simonis wrote:
> I'm thinking about getting a TP 560 but have heard that many people have
> problems with the hinges breaking or rapidly wearing out.
> I was just wondering if this is in fact a major problem for many owners and
> if so, is there anything that can be done to avoid the problem.

  My TP560-120 was about 10 months old when I bought it, and I have had it
for 7 months or so.  I have never had even a hint of trouble with it.  I
like this thing.  I do not haul it around as much as some people might

  I suppose if you opened the top way too far and were rough with it that
you could break the hinges.  You'd have to be pretty rough with it for
that to be a problem though.

==== Steve Parker ==== San Luis Obispo, CA ==== Multi-OS & Multitasking ====