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Re: TP560E

On Thu, 16 Oct 1997 13:02:19 -0400, richard wrote:

>On Thu, 16 Oct 1997 09:50:03 -0700 (PDT), Steve Parker <sparker@torgo.punk.net>
>>I've been drooling over the new 560E's and wondering if I could get a dual
>>scan 560E and swap displays with my 12.1" active TP560-120.  OTOH, this
>Any idea if this would really work?
Probably, but I wish you luck.  Although technically the warranty would
be void, what IBM doesn't know can't hurt them.  Or your warranty, for that matter.

But around the time of my EasyServ ordeal, they actually sent out some parts, so here I am
at school, during a free period on finals day (2 hours) with the ThinkPad taken apart so I could
try to mix it.  I got it all back together, but IBM didn't seem to care.  Maybe I was lucky.
