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Re: Unsolicited Sales Email! Re: CPU Upgrades for 701 model

Did Portable Enhancements just ask about the way to
unsubscribed without actually unsubscribing to get
rid of criticisms and nasty benchmark-questions? :-) 

Michael Eyrich

* Michael Eyrich, PRZ, TU-Berlin, FB Informatik     +49-30-31426713  *
* michey@prz.tu-berlin.de  **  http://www.prz.tu-berlin.de/~michey/  *
 Key fingerprint =  BA E3 94 1B F7 75 6C BB  22 7D B3 73 71 0D FA 36

On Wed, 22 Oct 1997, Vernon Brooks wrote:

| Uhh, did I ask for this solicitation?  Do you send this to everyone on the
| list who states that they have a thinkpad?  
| Has he done this to anyone else on this list?
| >Vernon,
| >
| >I saw your post on the forum. We can upgrade the CPU, HDD through 4gb , and
| >other things. Please cotnact me or visit our website if you have any other
| >questions or needs.
