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Re: ThinkPad 760's Mwave v2.25 - Problems

On Wed, 22 Oct 1997 12:18:19 GMT, nick@bs28ha.demon.co.uk wrote:

If anyone can shed light on this, I'd be most grateful. I have asked
>IBM's tech support who were very curteous, yet ultimately unhelpful. I
>also asked around on usenet. The general advice is that I should wait
>for a new driver to be released - is there anything on the way? I've
>waited over 3 moths already. Alternatively, I should revert back to
>version 2.24. I have resisted doing this previously since I wanted the
>33.6kbps connectivity. However, today, since I'm now on 28.8 max
>setting anyway, I thought I would give the old version a go to see
>once and for all if this is Mwave problem or a problem with soemthing
>else on my system.

It might not be such a bad idea to go back to the old revision.  I've had that
problem with some video drives, in fact.  It could also be maybe the hardware
is intermitently failing.  Although my internal modem on my 701 would never pass
for a while in Easy Setup (this is before I got it EZServed), but for some reason,
it then started giving me intermittent errors, and though I have not had system
crashs, sometimes a particular email, or even a particular CGI script from my old
ISP would crash the modem, and sometimes the modem would test out okay, and
other times it would not.  You may want to consider EZServ if you can be without
the machine, or if you are like me, and absolutley CANNOT be without it, then try
to arrange EZServ arround a vacation or non-busy time.
>I am glad to report that for the past day (consisting of 4 half-hour
>to 2 hour online sessions), under similar conditions as before, I've
>had no symptoms as described above *at all*. So, it really does appear
>as though it is the driver (v2.25) which is causing th problems.
>Anyone from IBM out there to comment?
>Any comments at all, especially (but certainly not exclusively) those
>with similar experiences, would be most appreciated.
And another thing I might add is that it's too bad that IBM Tech
Support is always there for you, but you sware they used to work
on Apple Macintosh support, and maybe heard something about MWave
and IRQs at lunch break.
