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Re: Dial Up Networking/Win95/TP701

On Fri, 24 Oct 1997 11:32:13 +0200 (MET DST), Ben wrote:

>I've got a TP701C which I've had for a good while now.
>In any case, I have a rather bizzare problem.  When I'm using a PC Card 
>modem(ANY PC Card modem) and I connect using Windows 95 Dial-Up 
>Networking while I'm attached to the power mains, if the power cable 
>comes unplugged, the computer shuts off.
>Now this happens even if the battery is full, but ONLY while Win95 
>Dial-Up NEtowrking is running--other modem programs don't disconnect me.  
>Under FreeBSD, I can run PPP and I have no problems.
>Anyone got any suggestions?  IBM doesn't seem to want to help.
Have you tried contacting Microsoft about it?  It could be an I/O conflict
with the APM.
