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Re: 560X / NeoMagic (was: Re: Linux on 560E)

On Fri, 07 Nov 97 23:29:16 +0200, Dominique Pivard wrote:

>On Fri, 07 Nov 1997 at 08:58 AM you, epbrown@enteract.com (epbrown), said:
>>	From what I've heard around the net, the 560E shouldn't be a problem
>>because it uses the Trident chip, but the new 560X line will have
>>trouble, since IBM switches to the NeoMagic video chip that doesn't work
>>with anything but Windows...
>Well, the NeoMagic page (http://www.rahul.net/neomagic/Nmdriver.html) seem
>to imply there's Linux support via a third party company (Xi Graphics).
>Also, for all the lack of enthusiasm for Warp of many IBM units, I would
>really be surprised (and disappointed) if they didn't come with OS/2
I second that and would not buy it.  And in regards to the threads before,
there ARE a lot of us with multiple platforms on our ThinkPads such as OS/2
and Linux.

Whew.  Just had to get that out.
