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Re: 560X / NeoMagic (was: Re: Linux on 560E)

> >Well, the NeoMagic page (http://www.rahul.net/neomagic/Nmdriver.html) seem
> >to imply there's Linux support via a third party company (Xi Graphics).

That's true but: 

(1) their (notebook-) x-server is outrageously priced. You pay a lot
of money for a server which supports a few graphic chips. If you want
to use the same server for the graphic card in your docking station,
you got to buy the desktop version as well.

(2) As to the Neomagic NM2070, version 3.1 does NOT give you the
performance you might expect from the technical specs, that is, 72Hz
at 1024 on an external CRT. (At least, it doesn't on an Omnibook 800.)
It may be fast but when sitting in front of a screen flickering with
60Hz I don't care about xstones and alike creatures.

(3) There are two `fixes' resp. upgrades for the 3.1 server on the XInside
ftp site. I tried them and in both cases I had to reinstall the server.
That's not quite what I expect from a company selling expensive software.

As I said a few weeks ago, I bought that server because it was the only
way to get 256 colours on the TFT screen of my machine (which is quite
important if you got to use xdvi etc.). But if there is a notebook model
offering roughly the same features yet featuring another graphic chip,
I'd never buy a machine with the Neomagic stuff in it.


Christoph Eyrich
