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Re: [APM] Two questions

It seems evident that IBM was my wrong choice. (Sigh!!)
Anyway, thanks a lot, David.

David Mentre <David.Mentre@irisa.fr> writes:

>mahn-soo choi <mschoi@postech.ac.kr> writes:
>> 1. When I do not use the computer for 2 minutes or so,
>>    the system goes to the suspend mode.  The problem is that the time
>>    is too short.  Can I extend the idle (?) time, or disable the very
>>    feature of APM?  Please see my kernel configuration at the bottom
>>    of this message.
> I usually go in windows mode to set APM features with the ThinkPad
>utilities. It is not possible to do such a thing under Linux because IBM
>does not want to provide the specifications how to set the values of
>energy control (as far as I know).
> 2. I installed apm-2.4 on my Linux box.  The problem is that both apm
>    and xapm report only discrete values of battery status; e.g. only
>    100%, 80%, and 10%, but not any other intermediate values.
>    My wild guess /proc/apm is not updated properly.
>    Did I do something wrong?
> Hmm. I think so. I think it is coming from the 365XD. Under window$95,
>the battery utility report the same discrete values (100%, 80% and
>10%). I would guess that on low end laptops IBM does not provide all APM
>Hope it helps,