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Re: Modem problem on 365XD

On 15 Dec 97, David Ross penned the following:

> > 
> > I have a 365XD with a PCMCIA Zoom 38.8 modem and have lately 
> > encountered a problem trying to go online with it.  Everytime I try 
> > to dial out, it tells me that another program is using the dial-up 
> > connection and then aborts.
> This is reported by DUN when the com port is locked, wither by another
> modem/device or by your specific modem.  If you have a windows-only modem
> with some sort of initialization software, try rerunning the software before
> running DUN or your comms program.

Thus my question....how do you get it to run properly?  To my 
knowledge, the modem is not a windows-only modem and I've never had 
to run initialization software before.  It WAS working until the last 
two times I turned on my laptop and then all of a sudden it acts like 
something else is using the modem.  Could the modem have locked into 
some state that causes this?
