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Upgraded 701C Benchmark Results

I just sent an Excel file with all of the Winstone and Winbench Test
results to Emanuel Brown, who I'm sure will get this set up on his web page
for all to see.  That also includes my own benchmarking of my P120-based
ThinkPad 560 as well as my desktop Pentium Pro 200 for your comparison.

Please note that there are some Winstone scores that just won't show up.
For some reason, there are certain tests that my 701 just *won't*
complete--it hangs on the Netscape Navigator test and the PowerPoint 97
test, in particular.  Unfortunately, this in turn messes up some of the
overall test scores because it fails in these areas.

Until Emanuel can set that up and you can get over to see those, I thought
I could pass along the results of some of the "simpler" tests--that of
Norton System Information (2.0--included in Norton Utils for Windows 2.0)
and Wintune 95.

The "Stock" 701C yielded a Norton SI score of 4.0.  The SI score after the
upgrade was 6.7.  For comparison, a "typical" (I presume desktop) 386SX-16
serves as the baseline at 1.0.  A 486-33 (I presume desktop) is a 5.9, and
a Pentium 90 is 20.4.  That gives you some idea of what Nortn SI thinks of
the upgrade.  Keep in mind this is a CPU-only benchmark.

Please note that the following is *exactly* what the benchmark reports.  In
particular, the AMD 486 thing.  Supposedly, this new CPU is an AMD
"Enhanced"5x86, but no, that doesn't make it a Pentium.  The benchmark
apparently isn't fooled either--they see it as a 486 at 100 MHz.  Basically
it appears to be a clock-quadrupled (as opposed to tripled, as is the stock
CPU in the 701) 25-MHz-based 486, plus the added advantage of AMD's
floating-point math-coprocessor being extra fast (you can see that in the
Whetstone score below).

For Wintune 95, here's the details:

			Upgraded 701C			Stock 701C
			--------------		---------------
CPU			AMD 486			Intel 486DX4
Clock			100 MHz			75 MHz
Dhrystone		36 MIPS			25 MIPS
Whetstone		16 MFLOPS			6.9 MFLOPS
Video Speed		2.9 MP/s			2.1 MP/s
C: Cached Speed	4.4 MB/s			4.7 MB/s
C: Uncached "		1.1 MB/s			1.1 MB/s
RAM Read Avg.		84 MB/s			70 MB/s
RAM Write Avg.	28 MB/s			30 MB/s
RAM Copy Avg.		15 MB/s			13 MB/s

If you just *can't* wait for Mr. Brown to put up the Excel file with the
Winstone and Winbench scores on his web page, upon request I can send you
the Excel file.  Just let me know in private E-mail.  I am reluctant to
just send the file to the list because not everyone wants to or cares to
see it.

Randal J. Whittle		whittle@usc.edu	(213) 740-7775
Director, Electronic Commerce Program
Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California