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Re[2]: thinkpad 770

     My 760XL also has a fan that kicks in when some internal sensor
     deems appropriate.  Usually it's when I've placed the XL on
     some medium that doesn't allow heat conduction.
     Moral:  I usually prop up the back side of the XL a bit, enough
     to allow some air space (and hopefully, air flow) to the 

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Subject: re: thinkpad 770
Author:  Stuart Biggar <Stuart.Biggar@opt-sci.Arizona.EDU> at Internet
Date:    1/15/98 1:28 PM

> From owner-thinkpad@cs.utk.edu Thu Jan 15 13:23 MST 1998 
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> From: Paul Rubin <phr@netcom.com>
> Subject: re: thinkpad 770
> To: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
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> One thing I've heard is that it has a cooling fan.  I'd really
> prefer that it didn't.  Re finding them, they're not -that- hard 
> to find, if you can afford them. 
For that matter, the 765D has one.  It is noisy in a quiet 
environment.  I discovered it when it came on after an hour 
or so of operation at home one evening shortly after I took 
delivery.  I expect most high clock speed processor notebooks 
will have a fan unless they have a metal case to use as a 
heat sink.
Stuart F. Biggar                   Phone:  (520) 621-8168
Remote Sensing Group               FAX:    (520) 621-8292 
Optical Sciences Center  
University of Arizona
Meinel Building
PO Box 210094
Tucson, AZ 85721-0094              Internet:  Stuart.Biggar@opt-sci.arizona.edu 
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Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 13:28:34 -0700 (MST)
From: Stuart Biggar <Stuart.Biggar@opt-sci.Arizona.EDU>
Subject: re: thinkpad 770
To: phr@netcom.com
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