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Re: Thinkpad 770

The fact that the harddrive, CD ROM, and floppy drive are on the outside
and could somehow fall out of the unit. Having had ThinkPads for some
time and remembering that last time I had one with a battery that slid
in from the outside (it must have fallen out a dozen times!), it makes
me nervous.

Robert Dewar wrote:
> <<The 770 is very nice. It's *big* (both the screen and the box), so
> beware of that. However, it's beautiful, and I don't mind the
> externally-accessible peripherals as much as I expected...
> >>
> What do you mean by externally-accessible peripherals (I have a 770 ..)
> By the way Insight (www.insight.com) has about 90 machines in stock (that's
> where I got mine).
Steve Hultquist, Chief Technology Officer                       HSAnet
providing high-speed Internet access                 Boulder, Colorado
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