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Hitachi HDs, asst'd thoughts, was RE: Thinkpad 770

>Actually, after I suffered from the lies about this multitasking crap that
>Windows 3.x/95 promises, I told myself I'd never return, and all this Windows
>95 stuff hasn't been too siginifcant to me anyways.
>None of my computers run a M$-O$!

Thank you for you novel thoughts. Could we please reduce the OS-War snippets
to Thinkpad related or at least very funny comments?

I believe it is mentioned in the welcoming message by now that PK does not
appreciate Microsoft products. Especially long time listmembers do not need
be reminded more than, say, every month or so.

On another thread, my TP701 needs a bigger HD. Does anyone have any 
experience with Hitachi 2.5" 12mm drives, or should I stick with Toshiba?

I have no fear of the Butterfly's drives falling out, btw. ;)
