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Re: Heavy usage -Was TP 770


For my heavy user clients I set them up both at home and at the office with
a port replicator of some kind with an attached mouse, keyboard, and
monitor, etc.

The only time the notebook is used "naked" is "on the road".

With this setup I've had no problems/complaints...


At 06:45 AM 1/17/98 -0800, you wrote:
>This talk of heavy usage is a subject I wondered about recently.  Do you
>guys with the heavy usage do any special maintenance?  Routine maintenance?
>Specifically my concerns relate to our movable parts, the keyboard and hinges.
>My left trackpoint button was getting mushy and the hinge creaks loudly
>which has me worried.  When I called IBM for cleaning/lubrication
>information they said send it in for service. Goes in Monday.  -It leaves me
>face to face with having to go back to the desktop and wishing I had a back
>up laptop..:(  

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                 MI-COM Technology  
       Computer Solutions for Small Business
Helping you access and travel the Information Highway

                 Hugh A. Valliant

      Bus.  (416) 726-5355   Fax. (416) 699-3847

        E-mail         valliant@micomtech.com