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Unsubscribing (was RE: me too messages)

How does one unsubscribe to this list?????

I have sent an unsubscribe message to the server multiple times over the last two weeks with NO response.


The reason I need to get off of this list?

Too much junk mail in my in box distracting from more important matters.

-----Original Message-----
From:	Axel Hartmann [SMTP:axhartma@risky.ecs.umass.edu]
Sent:	Thursday, February 12, 1998 8:52 AM
To:	'thinkpad@cs.utk.edu'
Cc:	'pkhoury@loop.com'
Subject:	me too messages

can certain individuals please not quote entire messages just to add "me too" in 
the middle somewhere? 

thank you.


p.s.: anyone know of a spam filter for windows messaging?

.                  Axel Hartmann                                           .
. Paper'n'People : 33 Meadow Street; Amherst, MA 01002; USA                .
. Voice-by-Wire  : +1 (413) 549 - 6113 , Paper-by-Wire on demand           .
. Office         : Dept. of Chemical Engineering; UMass; Amherst, MA 01003 .
. Office Phone   : +1 (413) 577 - 1235            Fax: +1 (413) 545 - 1649 .
. E-Mail         : axhartma@risky.ecs.umass.edu                            .
. Homepage       : http://rheoserver.pse.umass.edu/users/axel/index.html   .