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Re: IE4

On Wed, Mar 18, 1998 at 02:30:49PM -1000, David Ross wrote:
> >Many of us have learned (unfortunately) too late that IBM does not support
> >I.E. 4.0 for the TP560 series.  Does anyone know if that is likely to ever
> >change?
> I'm running IE4 on my TP560; have been for some time.  It was flaky until I
> installed a post-IE4 BIOS.  (You also need fairly recent video drivers;
> sometimes installing or reinstalling these  *after* installing IE4 resolves
> problems.)
> I *do* have some other problems  (for example, inability to run in W95 safe
> mode) which are possibly peripherally related to IE4, in the sense that some
> of the DLL versions wanted by some of my software might not be 100%
> compatible with the ones IE4 supplied.  However, I believe that if someone
> buys a new TP560, puts in the latest BIOS and drivers, installs IE4 (and then
> perhaps reinstalls the video drivers) then IE4 will run fine on the 560.
> - David R.

Micro$oft SLIME!  I d/l'd IE4 and it filled up 100 megabytes left in my m$
partition.  After recovering from that, now when I tell m$ to shut down
the computer, it hangs and requires power removal before I can get my
stinkpad back for useful work.

Does anybody know if the bios / video driver re-install will fix this?

TIA... davew  (Tag below was random :-)

dwiebold@etnsed.aus.etn.com . . . . . . .  My other computer runs Linux!

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