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Re: High CPU usage on battery

On Wed, 25 Mar 98 01:23:59 -0600, jeffj@ro.com wrote:

>"Paul Khoury" <pkhoury@loop.com> said the following on the auspicious date
>of 98-03-24:
>>On Tue, 24 Mar 98 22:10:28 -0600, jeffj@ro.com wrote:
>>>I have a ThinkPad 765D running OS/2 v4, fix pack 5. When I run it on
>>>battery power and the battery metter program is running, I sometimes see
>>>high CPU usage. When the system is idle, I may see more than 1/3 CPU time
>>>in use with the CPU stuck in its slowest speed. When allowed to adjust its
>>>speed, I see idle CPU usage of 8 to 10% -- more than twice the normal when
>>>plugged in.
>>>It just seems to be the battery meter program. Has anyone else seen this?
>>Have you tried Warp 6?  I don't know if it will give you the same font
>>trouble I had (but as shown in my sig, works on this machine fine), but
>>it changes the APM applet, and adds 1.2 compatiblity, so that might help.
>I've been hesitant to install fixpack 6 because of the amount of traffic
>on news groups regarding problems related to it.

I only wish I found out about that, too.  It works great on my P75server, but
on the ThinkPad in particular, it messes up the fonts.  I was fortunate to be able
to backout.  One thing though - with my 701 (or others that support this), it gave
battery life to the hour and minute, like the BIOS (Fn-F2), as well as the percent, and
I think they improved the APM (it's now up to APM 1.2 I think).

 I was thinking I might
>wait for the next fixpack. I'm still using fixpack 4 on my desktop (works
>great, so I won't mess with it just yet).
You should try FP5, which fixes potential Y2K problems.  It's the least I would
put on, and I have no problems whatsoever.

>>Also, if you'd like, I can send you an OS/2 VIO program that shows
>>running processes, because there could be a runaway process that's eating
>>your CPU time.
>I do have such a program, and just got Process Commander in the mail
>today. I don't think there was a runaway process, with the exception of
>the battery meter.
>>Also, when you talked about adjusting the CPU's speed, is this in the
>I made the adjustment from the command line ps2 program.

Good luck.

Paul Khoury <pkhoury@loop.com>  http://pkhoury.dyn.ml.org
Sent from my P75 Server running OS/2 Warp 4.0, Fixpack 6
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