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Re: Warp 4 on TP 760XD

"Alexander Wagner" <A.Wagner@TeamOS2.de> said the following on the
auspicious date of 98-03-29:


>Anybody ever expierienced the following:

>- Warp 4 works fine. But if I boot up a fullscreen commandline (ALT-F1 ->
>F2) the screen get's crippled. I've two cursors and the lines are
>displayed twice. Fullscreen Session works fine if I boot up PM-Mode.
>(Than of course the TP-drivers are loaded.) So far one would suggest:
>Problem in OS/2-VGA-devices. The strange thing is: That works all fine,
>if I boot up from the istall disks. I checkt with Warp 3 and Warp 4. Any

You mean several columns are duplicated and the whole 80 columns are not
visible? I've had that problem, and don't know how to fix it. Last I
checked, I don't have the problem anymore. I did before I reinstalled
everything (forced to by a stupid error on my part).

>- Cause I've no external cover for the diskdrive I'd like to use the
>hotswap in the Ultrabay. If I specify /A:0 /FORCE:1 /U:0 /F:1.44MB to
>IBM1FLPY and /A:1 /U:0 /ATAPI /FORCE to IBM1S506 as said in the docs I've
>to reinstall my system cause the whole filesystem on the HDD crashes. On
>can't repair it as far as I tried. (OS/2 boots up with about 20
>SYS-Errors reading CONFIG.SYS). Any hints about that?

I have a 765D, but it may be similar enough. My config.sys has the
following lines for the warm swapping:

BASEDEV=IBM1FLPY.ADD /A:0 /FORCE:2 /U:0 /F:1.44MB /U:1 /F:1.44MB

Works for me.

>And then a short silly question: What's the diffrence between Hibernation
>and RediSafe-Suspend? Both suspend to disk, RediSafe is faster, both
>switch off power completely as far as I see. So what's the diffrence?

The docs seem to say that RediSafe is a suspend mode that will become a
hibernate mode if power is lost.

Windows95 -- An entomologist's dream

Jeff Jackowski      http://xzalpha.ml.org/~jeffj
  OS/2 WPS (Desktop) Tips, remote i-net dialup
UAH-SEDS            http://uah.seds.org
Future author of:
     "How to be Ruler of the Universe in 21 Days"