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133 Mhz?? was - RE: 701 upgrade

I just noticed the "133" speed - what board revision do you have to have
to run at 133 Mhz with a 586 on the 701
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
FROM:Tom Trottier, MBA  Senior Technical Architect
Ottawa Global Delivery Centre, SHL Systemhouse an MCI Company
(+1 613 236-6604x5539 fax:232-5182(
: ttrottier@shl.com http://www.shl.com :
*50 O'Connor St. Suite 501, Ottawa K1P 6L2 Canada*
~Questions answered, answers questioned~

>From: 	Leonard Wesson[SMTP:pepsales@portables.com]
>Sent: 	1998 February 16 - Monday 22:33
>To: 	Siegfried Hanisch
>Cc: 	thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
>Subject: 	Re: 701 upgrade
>Hi Siggi,
>At 04:14 PM 2/14/98 +0200, you wrote:
>>I know this must have been asked 100 times before on this list, but anyway:
>>I currently have a 701CS with 360MB HDD, 486DX 75MHz, 16MB RAM (8 + 8).
>>Since I like this machine, I want to upgrade it. What are the "biggest"
>>- HDD
>Currently 4GB is the largest HDD.
>>- processor
>AMD 5x86/100 or 133 depending on board revision.  DX4/75 to 5x86/100
>results in a 25 to 30% increase in overall speed.
>>- MB expansions
>40MB is the maximum amount of RAM for your system.
>>available for this machine, and where can I buy them? (I live in 
>>Vienna/Austria/Europe, but if these things can be ordered via the
>Internet, a 
>>supplier in the US should be no problem).
>We have all of them available with special pricing for the Thinkpad List.
>However, the CPU is not user installable.  It is a surface mount processor
>and must be installed here at PEP.
>>	Siggi
>>Greetings                            #   Quick to judge
>>    Siegfried Hanisch                #   Quick to anger
>>=====================================#   Slow to understand
>>siegfried.hanisch@ibm.net            #   Ignorance and prejudice
>>ssaver@ibm.net (ScreenSaver support) #   And fear
>>=====================================#   Walk hand in hand
>>http://stud1.tuwien.ac.at/~e8925811/ #            Rush - "Witch Hunt"   
>>PGP public key available # Team OS/2 #
>Best Regards,
>email: pepsales@portables.com
>Portable Enhancements
>The Portable Upgrade ExpertsTM
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>WEB: http://www.portables.com
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