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MWave Modem


Played arround a bit with MWave modem on a TP760XD running OS/2 Warp
4. Seems to work well, but if I issue 

atdt <number>

I get ERROR. If I use 

atdp <number>

nothing happens at all. Tried to play with modem setup,
initialization, some AT-commands etc. unsing ZOC or InJoy but allways
the same. Also FaxWorks reports a modem-error regardless if I set up
Class 1 or Class 2. I also monitored modem-LED's (the little tool
delivered with MWave) but didn't note anything strange. So what could
be the problem? Any hints? Do you know about any difficulties if I
want to use the MWave connected to ISDN via an AD-converter? I also
issued ATX1 and ATX3 to get the modem not waiting for a dialtone. I
also receives an error...


CU/2                    ((  Proud to be member of Team OS/2 Europe #294     
Alexander Wagner         )) RTV Franken
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