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Re: 701: Warp Connect v. Warp 4

On Fri, 3 Apr 1998 15:00:46 EST, Michael Cole wrote:

>I've just purchase a refurbrished 701C (DX75
>16MB 720MB). 
>On balance, which version of OS2 is better
>suited to this machine to gain the best
>application performance?
>The machine will be configured for network
>access, but no MM functions, and will probably
>substitute PC2 for the WPS.
>Can folks out there comment on the performance
>differences between Warp 4 and 3 on this
I found that Warp 3 was easier on memory, but Warp 4 more
of a joy to work in.  If you're not going to use the WPS, you might consider
using Warp 3.  Also be sure to get FP32 or higher for Y2K support
and DIVE/DART support.  You don't need Java, do you?

Oh, and the C&T 65545 drivers work fine on both Warp 3 and 4.

For Warp 3, you should also update the Card and Socket services.
It's called Play at Will, and I probably have it somewhere around here.  It's
included with Warp 4.

Good luck.

Paul Khoury <pkhoury@loop.com>  http://pkhoury.dyn.ml.org
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