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RE: Cracked cases (was: Re: Good Old 701's)

Where are those shop manuals? - for the 701 ? do you mean the HMM stuff?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
FROM:Tom Trottier, MBA  Senior Technical Architect
Ottawa Global Delivery Centre, SHL Systemhouse an MCI Company
:^(+1 613:^ 236-6604x5539 fax:232-5182:^(
:^} ttrottier@shl.com http://www.shl.com :^}
*:)50 O'Connor St. Suite 501, Ottawa K1P 6L2 Canada*:)
~Questions answered, answers questioned~

>From: 	Tom Franklin[SMTP:tdf@ibm.net]
>Sent: 	1998 April 10 - Friday 09:52
>To: 	Paul Khoury; ThinkPad List; Greg Alvandian
>Subject: 	Re: Cracked cases (was: Re: Good Old 701's)
>I just replaced the bottom half-case of my TP755CD.  It was a hassle, but
>the part only cost $63.  The shop manuals for Thinkpads are online now which
>made it easier.  You might just fix it yourself.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Paul Khoury <pkhoury@loop.com>
>To: ThinkPad List <thinkpad@cs.utk.edu>; Greg Alvandian
>Date: Thursday, April 09, 1998 11:40 PM
>Subject: Re: Cracked cases (was: Re: Good Old 701's)
>>On Thu, 09 Apr 1998 18:53:49 -0600, Greg Alvandian wrote:
>>>A roll of Duct tape can fix ANYTHING!  And fix it good.  Insert your own
>>>interpretation here.
>>Well, that's true, but on a ThinkPad, I'd imagine it'd look kind of tacky.
>>Paul Khoury |  <pkhoury@loop.com> | Sent from my P75 Server
>>Proudly running OS/2 Warp 3/4, Slackware Linux, and Sun Solaris 2.4