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} Please introduce yourself!  Tell us what kind of machine you have,
} how it's configured (how much memory/disk, what accessories, etc.),
} and what operating system(s) you are using.

You are sure ?



Thinkpad 380ED [three spindles inside, 5.1Gb Hard Disk, 20x CDROM, 
Floppy Drive], 80Mb RAM, 166MMX.

3COM 365D Etherlink III + 36,000 V34 modem
IBM Ethernet card (for DatagLANce)
IBM Turbo 16/4 Token Ring PC card
IBM Token Ring Auto 16/4 CC (Reflashed to promiscuous mode by friendly
                             IBM engineer for DatagLANce)
Grey Cell Systems 33,600 FAX/GSM modem
HST Saphir II ISDN Card
NewMedia BusToaster SCSI card [connects to external box borrowed from
                               a tower machine contains 6x Plextor CDROM,
                               Ricoh MP6200S CD Writer, HP C1533A 4mm 
                               DDS2 DAT]
OS/2 Boot Manager 
C: 103Mb  FAT  PCDOS 7.0, Windows 3.11 and Boots to NT partitions
C: 103Mb  FAT  PCDOS 7.0, Windows 3.11 WfWG + TCP/IP and Boots to Windows 95
D: 1010Mb FAT  Program drive Office 97, Lotus Smartsuite, Domino 4.6, plus ...
E: 509MB  FAT  Temporary Drive Space [ for "collectables" ]
F: 509Mb  FAT  Windows 95 OSR2
G: 502Mb  NTFS Windows NT 4.0 Workstation Fixpack 3
H: 553Mb  HPFS Warp v4 Fixpack 5 , CSD8421, CSD8402. 
I: 694Mb  NTFS Window NT Server 4.0 PDC Fixpack 3
J: 332Mb  HPFS DatagLANce T/R + Ethernet 1.31h on Warp V4
K: 546Mb  HPFS386 Warp Server 4.0 Fixpak 32, CSD8421, CSD8267, 

Z: Lost some Disk space somewhere :((

All cards work in all operating systems EXCEPT

Windows NT will not see/use HST ISDN card inspite of drivers provided
it works fine in 95 and OS/2.

Windows NT will not see the devices attached to the BusToaster SCSI
card but 95 and OS/2 are fine. 

NT has both Cardworks 2.x supplied by IBM, and V4.x at$75
