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Hi to all,

I'd just like to take a moment to introduce myself to the list.

I am a works manager at a small engineering company in Manchester, England.
I use (own) an IBM Thinkpad 760ED with 32 meg of ram, a 1.2g HD and all the
usual ED goodies. I use a D-Link Ethernet PCcard to connect to both my home
and work networks (co-ax), a Nokia cellular PCcard and a no-name 33.6 PCcard
modem for land-line (which is in fact better than my Accura on my base
machine). I also use a Fuji-DS-7 digital camera which I use to take pictures
onsite, I then relay them over cellular or landline back to work via the net
in e-mail. For a CD-ROM I use an external 24X CD Rom which was converted
from a HP 7100e CDR box. Mostly I use the TP to organise my time and
resources at work and for generating small Autocad drawings "on the fly" as
it were.

This is only my second Laptop, I also have a Digital Hi-Note Ultra, and was
a little sceptical that a laptop could replace a desktop in my job but the
TP has proved those fears to be unfounded, I am mightily impressed. This
machine has so much potential, I can't see my needing another laptop for a
long long time.

I also want to ask a small question, is there a problem installing
Microsoft's DirectX 5 on these machines? I tried to install it but it chokes
on installation. I know this is trivial and to be honest I only need it to
play Monkey Island 3 in lunch breaks but I'd like to get it going :)

I hope to learn a lot from your experiences with these machines and
hopefully pass on the little I know myself.

Best wishes to all

Regards, Jeff. (jeff@jhartley.demon.co.uk)
ICQ UIN10948456