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Re: thinkpad 500 finding modem

Janice Ray asked a question about PCMCIA modems.

Christian Carey wrote:

>I use the TDK Systems DF2814 Global Class V.34 PCMCIA fax/modem with my
>701C. It sold as 28.8 (V.34), but an upgrade to 33.6 is available on the
>TDK Systems web site.

I have the IBM labeled version of this same modem, and I have to second the recommendation - especially since I do a lot of overseas travel, and it is nice to have a modem that understands every country's dial tone, ringer, busy signal, etc.  (There's also something to be said for having an  all-IBM system when it comes to service:-)

However, this modem is relatively expensive and doesn't have digital line protection.  Janice should be assured that *any* PCMCIA modem should be fine in her machine, especially if she's using DOS or Windows as her OS.  She should be able to find a perfectly serviceable 33.6 PCMCIA modem for under $50.

David A. Ross