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Re: TP600 has NeoMagic

Well IBM has always done a great job on building computers and a lousy job
on documentation and support... luckily their machines have been constructed 
so well that the documentation and support have not been big issues...
People used to IBM's have  not  experienced some of the horrors owners of
other equipment have struggled to correct.

I am one of those people who has always had BIG trouble with various products
manufactured by Trident, so I looked forward to the NeoMagic.  The research
and development in graphics and graphics chips are truly exciting... I expect
a big change at IBM and others before Christmas.

Ray Bay

> >> Our TP600s (266MHz Pentium II) just arrived.  The graphics chip is the
> >> NeoMagic MagicGraph 128XD.  We had heard conflicting information about
> >> NeoMagic vs. Trident.
>    Then its time to start seriously hoping that IBM does a better job
>    building their hardware than writing their technical documentation!
>    Several IBM web pages list the graphics chipset as being from Trident
>    (including a page specifically for the model you mention above);
>    other web pages list it as being from NeoMagic.